How Does a Organic Natural Bug Repellant Work?

Natural Organic Bug Insect Repellent StickObviously, the whole idea behind the ingredients in an insect repellent is to make folks as unappealing to bugs as possible. There are natural alternatives to chemical-laden insect repellents.

Plants have been repelling insects and bugs to protect themselves since the beginning of time.

So why not harness the power of plants?

That’s just what we did at Chagrin Valley. We created a line of safe and effective “Don’t Bug Me!” products that would help repel insects—Naturally!

There is clinical research showing that you can minimize bug bites with the natural repellents present in plant essential oils.

Plants produce their own natural pesticides as a chemical defense against being eaten. Our natural, organic insect repellents work because the active ingredients are those plant essential oils known to contain high levels of natural bug deterrents.

Our special blend of organic essential oils in our natural bug repellents includes Lemon Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Citronella, Lavender, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Basil, and Thyme.

The oil of lemon eucalyptus appears to be the most effective. Studies have shown that products containing lemon eucalyptus were more effective than products with lower concentrations of DEET. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even recommends lemon eucalyptus oil as an alternative to DEET.

Although the EPA has evaluated the biochemical active ingredients in natural products, like Chagrin Valley’s natural organic bug repellents, for safety, products made from these ingredients have not been evaluated for effectiveness.

If you live, hike or camp in areas that do not have a high risk for bug-borne diseases, natural repellents can offer good protection.

If you are venturing into areas that are heavily infested with mosquitoes and ticks that carry disease, like Malaria or the Zika virus, DEET is still recommended as the most effective.

For more information please read our blog, "Natural Insect Repellents: The Power Of Plants."

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