How To Use A Natural Cream Deodorant: Basic Instructions

Tips on How to Use a Natural Cream Deodorant

Like traditional deodorants, our natural deodorants neutralize underarm odor and absorb wetness, but there is no plastic packaging or synthetic ingredients. Made with soothing and moisturizing ingredients that effectively neutralize odor and plant-based powders that help absorb wetness, so you stay fresh naturally. 

NOTE: Our natural deodorants are made from plant oils and butters. Since water and oil do not mix, it is best to always apply to dry underarms otherwise the deodorant may not absorb into to your skin and can end up on your clothes.

Our cream deodorant is best applied after showering or bathing. 

How to apply Natural Organic Cream Deodorant

  • Apply to clean, dry underarms.
  • Using clean fingers scoop out a pea-size amount on your fingertip. A pea-sized amount may not look like much on your finger, but trust us -- a little bit goes a long way. (See Ida's favorite technique below)
  • Apply it down the center of your armpit.
  • Gently massage and allow the cream to absorb completely as it melts on your warm skin (like you would apply moisturizer). 
  • NOTE: If it is cold, like in winter, allow the cream to sit a few seconds and the warmth of your skin will quickly soften the cream. The idea to use the least amount of friction during the application.
  • Again, use this deodorant cream sparingly you only need a little. If you feel sticky after applying, chances are you have used too much!
  • After applying the deodorant, it is best to give your underarms some time to absorb the cream before putting on your shirt. You don't want deodorant sticking to your clothes and possibly leaving a stain. 
  • To prevent irritation, do not apply the deodorant cream immediately after shaving your armpits.

Ida's Technique 
  • For me, the pea-sized amount is enough for both arms, so my technique is a simple one.
  • I scoop out a pea-sized amount of deodorant with my clean index finger on my right hand--I am righthanded.
  • Then I rub the deodorant between the two fingers on my right hand and the same two fingers on my left hand.
  • I use these fingers to apply the deodorant (one for each armpit).
  • The deodorant softens from the warmth of my fingers and helps create a smoother more uniform application.
  • I gently massage the cream deodorant into my skin until it is no longer visible. 

Obviously we do not all have the same size armpits. While a pea-sized amount is usually enough for both armpits, some people may need a pea-size for each armpit. Start small first and see how it goes. Just remember - more deodorant does not mean more effective. More is NOT better!

If you tend to sweat a lot, then you can reapply the deodorant cream throughout the day. Wipe your armpits clean with a damp cloth or paper towel and reapply. Applying deodorant onto unclean, damp, or sweaty underarms may cause irritation.


What If You Do Not Want To Use Your Fingers? 

We recommend applying cream deodorant with your fingers since you have more control over the amount of product going on your underarm at each application. It is easier to give the entire underarm area a uniform coat of deodorant without using too much. Basically, you can tailor the application to your personal needs.

How To Apply Natural Organic Cream DeodorantHowever, if you have long fingernails, find it inconvenient, or the thought of applying deodorant with your fingertips has you questioning whether you want to use it, we have some suggestions.

  • The rounded back of a small spoon works well. Scoop up a pea-sized amount of the cream onto the back of the spoon and then use the rounded surface to gently spread and massage the deodorant into your skin.*
  • Some people use a popsicle stick or tongue depressor. While this is a good trick for getting the deodorant out of the jar, we found it difficult to apply with a stick. So, use the stick to scoop out your pea-size piece of deodorant and place it in the center of your armpit and then use your fingers to massage it into your skin. 

We also have very creative customers who love our cream deodorants!

  • One customer shared that they used an old, clean, empty roll-on deodorant container as an applicator. Just dab the rollerball straight into the cream (not too much) and gently apply to your armpits. We thought this was quite clever and tried it with one of our empty rollerball bottles from our essential oil roll-ons and it worked quite well. 
  • Another customer made an applicator ball using a glass bead about 3/4 inch round and a section of a chopstick. As they say, where there's a will there's a way!

*For those who would like an applicator for our cream deodorants, try the back side of our reusable, sustainable oval bamboo spatula. (In the picture above)


We always recommend a Patch Test the first time you try any new product, especially if you have sensitive skin. In case your body doesn't agree with one of the ingredients, do a Patch Test before a full application. Discontinue if irritation occurs.

Our cream deodorants are not happy in hot mailboxes or on sunny porches. Please be sure to pick up your package ASAP once it arrives. It is natural for natural Cream Deodorant to soften under warm temperatures. Softening or melting will not impact the performance. If your deodorant melts or softens too much, simply mix well and then pop the container in your refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

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