Ida's Soap Box Blog

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Posts Tagged “Natural Deodorant”:

Natural Organic Deodorant Stick and Cream

Why Use A Natural Deodorant

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Why use a natural deodorant? The simple answer--why not! While many synthetic skin care ingredients are "considered safe” in small doses, I wonder how much is "a safe small dose" after 65 years.

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The Science of Sweat & Deodorants & Antiperspirants

The Science of Sweat & Deodorant

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Every day we produce on average one quart of sweat which is odorless until it mixes with the bacteria on your skin. So, what is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant?  

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Natural Organic Extra Strength Cream Deodorant

Transitioning to Natural Deodorant | Part 1

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Transitioning to natural deodorant is a unique experience. Since commercial deodorants can change the armpit microbiome, a product change requires time for the body to rediscover its natural balance.

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Albert Einstein Never Stop Questioning

Evaluating Scientific Research

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You will read a lot of “scientific claims” on skin care websites. The purpose of this blog is to provide some basic information on how to critique scientific claims and research.

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